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Делови прибора за батерије

» Делови прибора за батерије

сува ћелија Метални поклопац

Делови прибора за батерије
  • Спецификације

The metal cover in a dry cell battery is typically the outer shell or casing, which provides structural support and containment for the internal chemical components. This metal casing is usually made of zinc, and it often serves as the anode (negative terminal) of the battery. In standard zinc-carbon dry cells, the zinc casing undergoes a chemical reaction to release electrons during the battery’s discharge process, allowing the battery to supply electrical energy.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the typical structure:

  • Outer Metal Cover: This zinc layer provides both structural support and acts as the anode.
  • Central Rod: Often made of carbon, it serves as the cathode (positive terminal).
  • Electrolyte Paste: Surrounds the carbon rod and conducts ions between the anode and cathode.

If you have more specific questions or need additional details, feel free to ask!

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